I was asked to make an illustration of "The Marvels" movie, along with other illustrators to promote the movie as ad posters. In this case, we were given creative freedom to make the image in our own style and idea. The only requirement was to include something Mexican in some way, so I placed the "Quetzalcoatl", the Aztec's feathered serpent forming the shape of the "S" from "The MarvelS", and as a central element for the composition, along with some prehispanic  symbols in the heroine's outfit.
I was inspired on the style of John Buscema and Jack Kirby, which I consider real masters of the comics.

Client: Marvel comics
Special thanks to Picnic's team for the management.
Some of my references and inspirations
Pencil and colour sketches
Finished work!
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 4
Posters placed on cinemas (video)
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The Marvels


The Marvels
